Many of our members have cruising boats and enjoy exploring the waters of the East Coast, together with the coastal water around the British Isles and the Near Continent. However, you don’t have to go far to enjoy cruising, and many members often stay in our local waters, lying at anchor and enjoying the beauty of a sunset afloat. Nor do you have to cruise alone, as the club runs several organised cruises each year, most of which visit other yacht clubs or marinas on the East Coast. Other members prefer to “sail in company” with friends and make up their cruise itinerary as they go, according to the weather, tides and how the mood takes them. Each year many members strike off on their own to do a longer cruise around the coast or to the near continent and it’s surprising how often you meet up with another WFYC crew many miles from home.
The club’s cruising section includes members with both sailing and power boats and most club cruises these days involve a mixed fleet of power and sail. In many ways, club cruises are the ideal way to get into cruising. They don’t usually go far from home and you can buddy up with others both for safety and company. Our cruises tend to be social affairs and are as much about socialising once a destination is reached as getting there. Many involve an alfresco barbecue or a group meal in a pub or yacht club clubhouse, most also include the option of a mini ramble which invariably finishes at a refreshment venue of some sort. Visits to the fascinating wet dock area in Ipswich (usually early and late in the season) present an opportunity to visit the city’s bustling shopping centre, parks, and leisure facilities.